Have your fishmonger open and clean the scallops for you.
- Gently rinse and wipe the scallop meat
- Slice each scallop in half cross-sectionally.
- Light the burner.
- Melt the butter
- Fry the scallops in the melted butter over a brisk flame (1-2 minutes each side). Dribble the stock over them.
- Deglaze with the white wine.
- Reduce the heat (lowest setting). Add the prawns.
- Add the dill and the cream. Add a little salt and pepper.
Level of difficulty:
Preparation time:
Cooking time:
- 12 scallops
- 100g peeled prawns
- 40g butter
- ½ glass white wine
- 3 teaspoons of shellfish stock
- 1 bunch of dill leaves
- 3 spoonfuls of fresh cream
- 1 large frying pan
- 1 filleting knife
- 1 glass ramekin
- 1 small carafe
- 1 small porcelain pot
- 1 cloth