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Offering a myriad of cooking options, such as steaming, boiling, food warming and bain-marie, the Lacanche Multi-Cooker preserves flavor and nutrition while preparing dishes, and is a permanent optional accessory on the cooktop hob. Automated water levels and temperature are maintained via a toggle switch to regulate operation, and no manual intervention is required to adjust water levels after beginning use.

The Multi Cooker is equipped with a perforated stainless steel pan and cover to support its steaming function, and 
baskets necessary for pasta cooking or bain-marie may be purchased as additional accessories. 

The Multi-Cooker must be utilized over vertical storage component to allow for kitchen water line access, and is thus only available on the ChambertinChassagneCluny 1400 and Cluny 1800FontenayCîteaux and Sully 1400Sully 1800 models.



Multicooker Lacanche